Senin, 22 Juli 2013

First Day of Teaching: Reflection for Form 206

(10.30-11.40) July 22th, 2013

I started the lesson at 10.35 in audiovisual room. At the beginning I asked them to introduce their nick names only. As a matter of fact, this was how I engaged with them at the very first time. Apparently it took some moment which I had not calculated this activity at the beginning in my lesson plan.

Students were pretty cooperative. They followed the lesson enthusiastically. Most of them were willing to speak in English when they had their activities as well as answering my questions.

In the middle of the lesson I added more information to them upon the noun phrase explanation however I did not go deeper. I will then explore more in the next meeting.

In their last activity, I asked them to be the interviewer and interviewee. In pairs they acted as a famous artist then their friend was the journalist. It was pretty exciting activity since as teacher I could really hear that they use fully English and even some of them were really living in the character and develop the questions.

I found the students pretty exciting in learning the topic as well as using active English. As a teacher, I actively trigger them with some questions to make them think. I also indirectly asked them to help each other by answering the difficult words and questions they had not completed yet. In the end I can conclude that today’s lesson was fun and active.

The weaknesses basically came from me. First, I had not calculated the time allotment for students’ introduction. I was too long at the beginning or elicitation. In the middle, I wished I had explained deeper for the noun phrase. In the end I was afraid that the time would run out quickly which in fact I still had 10 minutes left.

Plan for the next lesson:
-          Be better to use more effective time management
-          Explain better and give students more time to think and digest the explanation.
-          Remember students’ names.

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